Saturday, October 27, 2007

Christians Fear No Death!

I have finally completed the first draft of the Missions Policy. Never knew I ended up with a 32-page long manual. I hope I have included all that is necessary and relevant to the Missions Ministry of my church. The road ahead is still a long one - I shall be patient and look forward to the day when it is approved by the Pastors and leadership of the church.

I was at the church leaders' meeting this morning. It lasted till noon and by the time it was done, I left with a slight disappointment. I was saddened as to how sometimes we as Christians expect what the church can do for us when in actual fact, it should be what we can do for God in the church we worship in.

Well, I was quite judgemental during the meeting and I sought the Lord for forgiveness at the end of the meeting when I was praying with a brother-in-Christ.

Anyway, I stayed back in church for a while to complete the last bit of the Missions Policy. After that I headed home and decided to just bum. I needed to do that. I napped after taking a quick bath to cool myself. I felt more refreshed when I woke up.

I decided to cook for grandma and dad. Grandma is a little unwell so I did not want her to strain herself. Anyway, it was not too difficult to cook for three persons since mum is now away in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and my brother is having dinner out. I went out for a while to buy some groceries as there was nothing much left in the fridge.

I basically made congee served with sliced fish and prawn.

After dining with grandma and dad, I played with my doggy. She is really a handful but I had a fun time playing fetch with her.

As I was perspiring after running around with Sasha, I took another cool bath. After that I took out my guitar and basically spent some time worshipping the Lord in songs and in reading His Word. I decided to read the verse for the Youth Camp which was brought to my attention by a sister-in-Christ when she asked me to explain the meaning of the verse.

It was taken from Philippians 1:21. I thank God for this verse as I was reminded of my identity in Christ - that I should always live my life for Him since I have made a decision 21 years ago to accept Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. Now that He is my God and that I am His child, I should desire to live my life pleasing in His sight (hence the first part of the verse where it reads, "... to live is Christ"

Of course it did not stop there. When Paul wrote the second part of that verse, he has dedicated his life to share this Good News to the people around him. He was all ready to do so even to the point of death. For to him, death was nothing to fear about since he knew where his final destination is - being in heaven with God. That is why he wrote "... and to die is gain." I have learnt not to fear death when I was faced with my kidney ailment a couple of years back. Reading this verse reminded me to face death with no trembling but with joy. It was also an affirmation to continue to share God's goodness to people around just as what I have been doing for the past one year or so when I started my sabbatical.

It has been a wonderful day except for the little disappointment I experienced in the morning. Thanks be to God for everything though!

Time to sleep. A long day awaits me in church tomorrow.

"For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." Philippians 1:21

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