Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Be Responsible Please!

--- Bao Bao when he was first rescued ---

--- Bao Bao six months later ---

This is Bao Bao, a 7-year Schnauzer. He was rescued by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ("SPCA").

For as long as this dog existed, he has been placed outside the shop of a florist in the west. The leash to hold the dog was long enough only for him to stand and sit. His coat was matted and all its teeth were rotten. The skin was also infected.

On the day of the rescue, he was drenched by the rain and was almost drowned by a pool of rainwater. He was half-dead when found.

SPCA wanted to put the poor doggy to sleep but a kind lady decided to take him in. He recovered miraculously but has to have all its teeth removed due to the decay and a small section of one of the ears had to be removed due to an infection.

Though Bao Bao is a dog, he does not bark or could hardly know how to walk as his life-time here on earth was only about standing and sitting down.

The doggy is now under the care of a dear sister-in-Christ's mum who decided to take over the role as caregiver from the kind lady who initially took it in. This was done through Action for Singapore Dogs ("ASD").

From what I have been told, Bao Bao is always in a blur state, non-responsive and my heart just went out to him as I heard of his plight. Sigh.

This is to all those out there who are considering buying a pet - be it a fish or a hamster or a chinchilla or a rabbit or a dog or a bird. To you it may just be another animal but it has life so please treat it as you would a human. If you are not ready to take care of it and treat it as a part of your family, then I say do not even consider buying it!

I decided to blog about this as I want to send out a message stating that all things created by God is to be treated with much respect. We are to be good stewards, even to animals!

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