Friday, September 23, 2011

Accepting Correction As Part of Life

My colleague called me yesterday and we spoke for a while. She heard that I was teaching a class on Tuesday and asked how it was to be back. I told her I am already looking forward to it though it will still be a couple of months more.

As usual, we also talked about the down-side of our job especially in the area of one's teachability. In this age of the internet where information are readily available at the click of a few buttons, the younger generation thinks that they know all and better than others, even those who are older than them. Because of that mentality, they think that they do not need the counsel of others.

The above-mentioned reminded me of a quote a dear mentor gave me when I was once a young rebellious youth - "Andy, if you are not ready to accept rebuke/correction from others, you are not ready for life." When I first heard that, I thought it was a load of crap.

It was only at those points of my life when I fell badly that I realised all the information I have accumulated, thinking that they are enough to help me journey through life, are insufficient. The counsel of others, who have been through similar situations, are the most effective in moulding my character to be who I am today, though I have to remind myself that I am still "Work in Progress" no matter how old I am.

My colleague and I concluded that we must never give up on anyone. As for me, I will also pray for these individuals. It can be discouraging especially when my good intention has been misunderstood but the last thing I should do is to throw in the towel.

If those, who have tried to help me in my growing up years, had given up on me then, I think my life would have been very much different now. That is why I am always very grateful to God for providing these precious individuals to be part of my life. They will always hold a special place in my life forever and I welcome more of such friends as I continue in my life's adventure. :)

I also told my colleague this... people who have the guts to correct me are usually those who care enough to do so and these are individuals whom I would consider my true friends. These are the ones who will stick with me through thick and thin.

These are just some thoughts I gathered after the phone conversation. Yesterday evening I went to check out some brands of road-bikes and have short-listed a few which are within my budget and size. I may enquire another brand later in the day and after that I should be able to make an informed decision. :)

Alritey! Time to key off and get some work done.

"Better is open rebuke than hidden love." Proverbs 27:5

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