Monday, February 04, 2008

God - The Bondage-Breaker

Finally I am able to sit down and rest. Since coming back from my reservist duty, I have been spring-cleaning my room. I thought it would only take me an hour or two. In the end, it took me 5 hours!

After cleaning one segment, I decided to do another one and then another. I also rearranged all the books on the shelves after cleaning them. I even took some time to categorise certain types of literatures. I also shifted my hi-fi system onto my computer table and the available shelves are now used for my files, printer and some photo frames.

It feels good now as I enter my room because all the books are in order; the shelves are clean; my bags are arranged properly at one corner of the room; the ceiling lights so much brighter after removing all the dead insects accumulated over time.

I feel refreshed basically. Haha.

I actually ended at around 8pm but while dad was cleaning the fan, he tripped over the wire. He did not fall but the fan did. The impact damaged the motor. I tried repairing it but to no avail.

I decided to make a trip to Mustafa Shopping Centre in Little India to check out some standing fans and also a blender. It is amazing how things in the house decided to break down one after another in a period of one month. First was my desktop computer, then the television in the living room, next was the blender and now the fan. Oh yah, after shifting my hi-fi set, I tried the CD player and it also did not work. Can you imagine that? Haha.

Anyway, I managed to buy a fan and it comes with a remote control - this is a big deal for me as I never had a remote-controlled fan. :) I also got grandma her blender. She is very particular about this so I had to make sure the new appliance is similar to the old one.

I did not get a new CD player since I already have a DVD player in the room - connected it to the set and it now doubles up as a CD player as well.

I pray nothing else in the house will break down. I have spent quite a bit on a new desktop computer (thanks to a dear brother who helped me set it up), a LCD TV (which I got at a very good price), a fan and a blender.

There are two things that I want to share which has to do with the spring-cleaning I did earlier. I shared about how refreshing it is each time I enter my room. I want to parallel this to that of one's life.

Once in a while, our lives need to go through spring-cleaning as well. What do I mean by this? Basically all of us need to take time off to reflect on our lives and see what are some areas that need to be cleaned or sometimes disposed of. It could be bad habits or sins. If we do not do this, then we become numbed to some of the things that we do which are displeasing to God. Our lives basically get clogged up with all the dust of life.

I can also confidently say that our lives tend to feel kind of gloomy/dark because we know there are things we should not be doing something but yet we keep doing. That knowledge then make us guilty and frustrated. It feels as if we are caged up. Well, I guess that word is "bondage".

Regular upkeeping will break these bondages and free us from the clutches of the evil one who is constantly at work to lure us away from God.

I was talking to a sister-in-Christ from another church and she was sharing about how she needs to overcome certain insecurities in her life. She has been feeling rather lousy for a while. I guess what she is going through is something similar to what I have just shared. I encouraged her to take time off to evaluate her life and to make right what is going wrong now. I am glad she wants to do something about it. It is my prayer that the Lord will refresh her in time to come.

The other thing I want to share got to do with the many photos I came across while I was clearing the mess on one of the shelves. It brought joy as well as sadness to my heart when I looked through every picture.

Joy because of the good times I had with my family, siblings-in-Christ and friends; sad because some of them are not around anymore - either passed away or have left the faith. I blame myself partly for these my friends who have fallen away. I did not follow up on them and now they are no more in fellowship with God. I know some of them are struggling badly especially in their outlook towards life; some are pursuing the pleasures of this world; and yet there are a handful entering into vices.

Did I do something about it? Nothing much. Yes, I tried but should I stop? That is the question I am asking myself now. What should my next move be - give them a call to catch up? Perhaps I should.

The Lunar New Year is just three days away. On Wednesday every Chinese family (actually I should say most since some may not be able to do so due to circumstances) will be having their reunion dinner. I hope one day I will have a reunion with those who may decide to come back to God.

Food for thought for me and you.

Thanks be to God for giving me the perseverance to finish the spring-cleaning and also for teaching me lessons from it.

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Galatians 5:1

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