Thursday, February 28, 2008

Criticise Creation = Criticise God

Someone wrote a couple of nasty and insensitive comments on a blog belonging to a particular individual whom I know. When I read those remarks, I had to say a few things to that particular stranger.

I would have done so to anyone, even those whom I know, should I hear anything said or written which might have affected another. Likewise, I also hope someone would tell me off if I had insensitively or subconsciously mouthed careless words against another.

Ever heard of the following remarks? "Yucks! He is so ugly?!" or "Aiyoh, she is so fat?" or "Hey! Look at his shiny balding head - can see my face should I use it as a mirror" or "Why are there so many craters on her face?" or "So-and-so is prettier or more handsome than so-and-so"......

Ever considered how those words might have hurt someone deeply should the person hear them? What happens should someone else say those nasty words against us?

Let's get real here - like it or not, we will be affected! Our macho/gung-ho ego may not want to show it but deep down somewhere, we will feel lousy. I am not going to preach here but "Do to others as you would have them do to you." (Luke 6:31)

Some of you may argue that so long as the person involved does not hear about the remarks, that is perfectly alright! Well, you may be right that the person may not hear those comments but SOMEONE else does. When we start to criticise others, we are indirectly criticising the One who created us! God Himself, being the Creator, saw all things as good, even when His creation turned against Him! Who are we then to say otherwise of another individual? In fact, God, in His mercy and grace, even sent His Son to die for our sins.

The next time we want to say something about someone, please think first before we act! I am reminding myself too.

It has been a long day for me. I had two meetings back-to-back but praise God He pulled me through both sessions. I had to also do some things for two siblings-in-Christ - thank God all went well.

Well, I shall now go read up an article on "Photography"! :)

“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7

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