Monday, September 24, 2007

There Is Always Room To Learn

Tonight was a humbling experience for me. It was a rebuke for my complacency in my service to the Lord. I am thankful though that I received this wake-up call. It will definitely help me not to take things for granted especially in serving God and the church.

The Worship Team attended a Master-class course where some instructors from the Methodist School of Music came to critic everything that the team did - from the style of play for certain songs; to the flow from one song to another; to the vocal proficiency; to the dynamics of the band; to the variations one can provide; to even the volume control of each instrument.

In my more than 10 years of playing the drums where everything was self-taught, I thought that I have reached a level where I am "good" enough. Tonight, God reminded me through the instructors to always desire to learn more especially in techniques and never be satisfied but to press on to be a musician who is skillful and really makes a joyful noise to the Lord.

Every month I am rostered to play the drums at least once and when I play, I always thought that I do not need any one to tell me what to do. Sometimes I got emotional and defensive when a brother or sister-in-Christ suggested that I should do this and that. There were also times when I let my mood affect the way I play. Tonight when I was told what I should be doing, my pride was broken. In the suggestions made by this dear brother-in-Christ who is a professionally trained drummer, I realised I was nothing compared to the enormous amount of knowledge he has in this instrument. Most of the things he asked me to do, I could not. All these made me moody - sadly this affected the rest in the team as well.

I cannot deny that it was a lousy feeling. At one point I felt ashamed to be holding the drum-sticks. I whispered a prayer to the Lord asking for His forgiveness. This feeling I mentioned is not one where it will cause me to give up drumming but it was a challenge for me to learn more about this skill. I used to want to attend a drumming course to master the proper techniques but pride told me I did not have to as I thought I was there already.

I shared with the team that it is time for me to sign up for drumming lessons so that when I play, I can give the Lord my best in worship as He deserves the best!

Some of you reading this will probably think I am being too hard on myself. I do not think so. I think one should not always rest on his laurels when serving God. Well, even if I am too hard on myself, I think it is good for me as it allows me to desire to learn constantly. Life is about learning - the time one stops doing that is when he is dead. I am still very much alive so I shall continue to press on to let God teach me through others this skill that He has given me.

On a lighter note, I have never felt the night so long before - my heart was beating doubly fast; I was perspiring in an air-con worship hall; I could feel new stomach ulcers popping from everywhere; I was shaking at one point especially when the instructor was standing on my left watching every move I made; if there was a hole in the ground, I was all ready to jump into it!

Anyway, thanks be to God for waking my ideas up. He is truly good and gracious to show me my follies and pride. This shows me a lot about His love and care for me and every one present in the hall. Throughout the stressful session, I still had this picture of God standing by my side not with the kind of impression that He is breathing down my throat but one that says, "You can do it, my son. Press on."

I am physically, mentally and emotionally drained now. I think tonight is one of the rare nights when I can sleep before 2am. :)

To God be all thanks and praise!

"Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy." Psalm 33:3

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