I visited two Coffee Bean branches. One was planned and the other was not. I was at the Millennia Walk outlet to get some preparations done for the Young Methodist Leaders' Conference (YMLC) and also to ponder on some matters pertaining to the Missions Ministry. I also needed to get out of the house for some fresh air as I am not feeling too well.
I could not sleep properly last night as my nose was flowing like a running tap. I was also sneezing so much that I felt as if my nose was going to drop off any time and my eyes popping out of their sockets. Even now I am still sniffing.
I was touched by the kind gesture of one of the supervisers. When she knew that I was having a flu and that my throat was sore, she got me a cup of ginseng and peppermint tea (on the house) and a while later she also bought me a packet of lozenges. I thank God that through the many visits and the efforts made to get to know the staff, some friendships have been formed.
When I was done with my stuff, I left for Ngee Ann City as I needed to visit Kinokuniya Bookstore to collect some books I ordered. While I was browsing through one of the sections, I bumped into my primary school teacher. The surprising thing was her ability to recognise me after so many years - 23 years, to be exact! She could even remember my name. Wow! I suggested catching up with her over a drink and she mentioned Coffee Bean.
I asked her how come she could recognise me? She said she remembers me as the first prefect in the school to receive a public caning. Sigh - I am remembered for the wrong reasons. She was also shocked that I am in the teaching profession because she again remembered me as one student who spoke more Hokkien than any of the recognised languages (English and Mandarin, that is) in the school.
I am glad to have caught up with one key individual who has played a part in my growing up years. It is amazing after so long we can have this reunion. I was also saddened to know that two of the teachers who once taught me have passed away. One of them was very patient with me when I created so much problems in school. He would always spend time to counsel me but obviously I did not heed his advice. I am going to miss him but it is too late to let him know that I have turned over a new leaf. Thank you, Mr. Lim.
Well, as Mrs Kwok needed to leave to meet some of her friends, she left first while I decided to stay on to blog about this. I managed to get her contact number and may consider planning a reunion of classmates and teachers - that is if I can get hold of some of them.
Okie, it is almost 7pm. Time for me to key off soon. I emailed my YMLC Mentor Group earlier when I was at Millennia Walk. Though we may be from different churches and age-groups, I pray we will all have a great time of fellowship at the conference.
Oh yah, I almost forgot - I got to know the name of the Ngee Ann City Coffee Bean staff whom I shared was not too friendly. He saw me just now, came over to my table and gave me a big smile. Haha. He looked very comical (in the good sense) when he gave me the widest smile. I could hardly see his eyes. I quickly asked for his name - he tried to speak but I could not hear him properly. I read his name-tag and finally got to know the identity of this interesting individual. Praise the Lord for Chin Chuan!
Alright, I shall stop now. Thanks be to God for this day, for the Coffee Bean superviser, for my Primary School teacher and also the two who have since passed on and of course for my new-found friend whom once I thought was very proud and unfriendly! :)
"This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24
I could not sleep properly last night as my nose was flowing like a running tap. I was also sneezing so much that I felt as if my nose was going to drop off any time and my eyes popping out of their sockets. Even now I am still sniffing.
I was touched by the kind gesture of one of the supervisers. When she knew that I was having a flu and that my throat was sore, she got me a cup of ginseng and peppermint tea (on the house) and a while later she also bought me a packet of lozenges. I thank God that through the many visits and the efforts made to get to know the staff, some friendships have been formed.
When I was done with my stuff, I left for Ngee Ann City as I needed to visit Kinokuniya Bookstore to collect some books I ordered. While I was browsing through one of the sections, I bumped into my primary school teacher. The surprising thing was her ability to recognise me after so many years - 23 years, to be exact! She could even remember my name. Wow! I suggested catching up with her over a drink and she mentioned Coffee Bean.
I asked her how come she could recognise me? She said she remembers me as the first prefect in the school to receive a public caning. Sigh - I am remembered for the wrong reasons. She was also shocked that I am in the teaching profession because she again remembered me as one student who spoke more Hokkien than any of the recognised languages (English and Mandarin, that is) in the school.
I am glad to have caught up with one key individual who has played a part in my growing up years. It is amazing after so long we can have this reunion. I was also saddened to know that two of the teachers who once taught me have passed away. One of them was very patient with me when I created so much problems in school. He would always spend time to counsel me but obviously I did not heed his advice. I am going to miss him but it is too late to let him know that I have turned over a new leaf. Thank you, Mr. Lim.
Well, as Mrs Kwok needed to leave to meet some of her friends, she left first while I decided to stay on to blog about this. I managed to get her contact number and may consider planning a reunion of classmates and teachers - that is if I can get hold of some of them.
Okie, it is almost 7pm. Time for me to key off soon. I emailed my YMLC Mentor Group earlier when I was at Millennia Walk. Though we may be from different churches and age-groups, I pray we will all have a great time of fellowship at the conference.
Oh yah, I almost forgot - I got to know the name of the Ngee Ann City Coffee Bean staff whom I shared was not too friendly. He saw me just now, came over to my table and gave me a big smile. Haha. He looked very comical (in the good sense) when he gave me the widest smile. I could hardly see his eyes. I quickly asked for his name - he tried to speak but I could not hear him properly. I read his name-tag and finally got to know the identity of this interesting individual. Praise the Lord for Chin Chuan!
Alright, I shall stop now. Thanks be to God for this day, for the Coffee Bean superviser, for my Primary School teacher and also the two who have since passed on and of course for my new-found friend whom once I thought was very proud and unfriendly! :)
"This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24
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