Saturday, September 01, 2007

Overcoming Temptations

I am so close to the I.T. Fair. I am currently at the Coffee Bean branch in Millennia Walk preparing for the praise and worship session for tomorrow. Praise the Lord I was able to take some time to consider how to make the songs flow from one to another. At least now I know roughly how many times each song is to be sung. I hope tomorrow during the final rehearsal before the service, I will be able to confirm everything.

Anyway, back to the I.T. Fair. Looks like I have to go for a short while - not that I want to but to help a sister-in-Christ buy a memory card. I know if my accountability group members (the older ones) were to read this, they would say it is an excuse. Haha. At least for once I can say it is not.

I am feeling a little feverish - I think I should be able to sustain till tomorrow afternoon before crashing. I hope the Lord will preserve my health till then. Actually I prayed just now that He will just heal me completely as I have a busy week ahead.

There is this family sitting right in front of my table. The couple have a son. When the boy saw me, I smiled at him. He gave me this inquisitive look. It took a while before he smiled at me. We are also playing hide-and-seek now - not as in running around the cafe hiding from each other. I am basically hiding behind my computer screen and playing peek-a-boo with him. He kept shaking his head and smiling at me. Very cute boy indeed! The father just taught him to wave at me. He is doing it to me - first, with one hand; then now with two hands. Vigorously, I must say.

K, I shall leave the little boy alone for now. Easier said than done because he kept gesturing me to play with him.

Anyway, I just emailed the assistant mentor of the group that we have been assigned to. I am very encouraged to know that I have an enthusiastic assistant. She was the first to email me to ask what she needs to do for her role. Praise the Lord for this sister. I guess it is important to take the next few days to pray for the group members and also for the Lord to minister to the both of us as mentors. I am looking forward to the time of fellowship that I am going to have with my group and may the Lord bring about a breakthrough as we build each other up at the Young Methodist Leaders' Conference (YMLC).

I shall share about my visit to the I.T. Fair later. Hopefully I won't write something like - "I bought a computer" or " I could not resist and bought this DSLR camera." Highly doubt it but then who knows. Hmmm...

Time to stop blogging for now.

"So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall! No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." 1 Corinthians 10:12-13

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