Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Bringing Joy To The Afflicted

I just arrived in Ngee Ann City Coffee Bean. In about two hours' time, I will be meeting a couple to discuss with them further about their wedding plans. I feel bad that I have not been following up with them as regularly as I should due to my occupation with mum's medical condition and also Missions Ministry commitments.

Anyway, I am looking forward to catching up with my brother and sister-in-Christ and I hope from today onwards, I will be more pro-active in helping them prepare for their big day.

It has been a long day. In the morning I had to bring mum for her medical check-up. Initially I thought was the first week of October. She woke me up at 8am and told me about it. I seem to always get her appointments wrong. :(

Anyway, the doctor did a scan and ran a couple of tests. So far so good. Praise the Lord. My mum's diabetic condition has also improved. I hope the rest of the tests will turn out well when the report is released in a week's time.

It took quite a while for mum to complete the check-up. While waiting for her, I decided to go to the children's ward to visit some of the nurses I know and also to bring some cheer to the children. While talking to the staff, the emergency buzzer from one of the wards sounded off. One child had a seizure. I followed the nurses and while they were attending to the girl, I prayed for her. I asked the Lord to relieve her of the pain and tension of muscles. About 10 minutes later, the staff drew the curtains. The girl's condition had stabilised. Thanks be to God for that.

I went closer to her bed. Rebecca, a 11-year old girl, was conscious. Her eyes were teary. When I smiled at her, she just stared at me. I introduced myself to her and smiled again. It was then she returned my smile. One of the nurses standing next to me told me she has brain tumour. When I heard that, my heart went out to her. She is due for an operation on Friday. I hope the Lord will be by her side throughout the surgery and pull her through. Before I left, I prayed for Rebecca once more. I will probably visit her again on Friday just to see how the operation went. I do not know this girl but now that I have interceded for her, I do not wish to stop there but to visit her one more time to bring her another smile. Hope that will make her day.

Chin Chuan, the Coffee Bean staff who is now my friend came to my table and told me his legs are painful as he has been standing and walking for the past 6 hours or so serving the customers and also clearing the tables. I advised him to sit down for a while and he smiled at me. He is really diligent in carrying out his duty - ensuring that the floor, even to the very corner of it is clean. I hope the Lord will always bless and provide for him.

Well, time for me to stop here. It has been a wonderful day. :)

"An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up." Proverbs 12:25

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