Thursday, December 21, 2006

Broken-Hearted People

This morning I was at Suntec City to buy some chicken pies from Don's Pie. They are for the Youth Ministry Christmas Party which will be held very soon - about an hour's time.

As I was walking outside Tower 4 where there were some steel-chairs for the public, I noticed a young lady seated on one of them. She was sobbing. I was tempted to ask whether she was okay but I decided against it as I felt it was not too nice for a guy to do so. I said a prayer for her as I walked into the shopping centre. I hope the Lord has comforted her and that she is better now.

While I was in the taxi, on my way to church, I recalled several times seeing people crying quietly in public - yesterday while I was at Sheng Siong Supermarket in Little India, I saw this elderly Indian lady begging for money and she had tears in her eyes; while I was in the train a couple of days ago, I noticed another young girl whose tears kept flowing; last month while I was at Rochor Centre near Bugis Junction, an elderly man was walking along some shops and he too had tears in his eyes - hunched as he walked.

The above-mentioned are some examples of broken people living in an imperfect world. There are actually many more except that we have failed several times to notice these people.

I could have just gone to the young lady seated on the steel-chair and said to her, "Jesus loves you." Whether she accepts it or not, I think that should be the least of my concern. At least she could have known that there is someone out there who loves her despite of the circumstances she is in.

A follow up to what I wrote last night, this Christmas season, it is people like those I have just shared who needs Jesus most and it takes Christians like me to tell them about Him.

The next few days as you and I walk along the streets, notice the people we walk past. We might just see a person who is broken-hearted and if we do, pray for the person and if you dare take a step further, go to him or her and let the person know that Jesus loves him or her. I am going to do that and I may also want to invite him or her to the 24th December Christmas Eve Party in church. It is not too late to invite.

The gift of salvation we received when we accepted Jesus as our Lord and Saviour must go on to the next person who have yet to know Him. If we keep it to ourselves, then others will never ever get the chance to receive this gift.
I was reminded that it was someone who gave me the gift of Jesus that I have Him now in my life.

"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." Psalm 147:3

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