Thursday, December 28, 2006

Truth Or Lie

Lately I feel I am doing too many things and because of that, it kind of affected my commitment level in those areas that I need to focus on.

Just as much as I would like to be as involved as I can in as many places as possible, in the long run, I know I will burn out eventually. I am already beginning to sense it and I need to start letting go of certain things so as to get my life in order again.

The above-mentioned is already causing me to affect people when they see me so distracted with so many things - in the end, instead of being a ministry to these people, I become a stumbling block.

Well, I guess this is one aspect of my pilgrim's journey that I need to constantly remind myself to review and react accordingly.

I am so happy that my friend likes the Adidas Classic Polo-Tee that I changed for her. Initially I got her a black T-Shirt of the same brand for her birthday but in my heart, I knew that was not something she would really like (as the neckline was a little lower than a usual tee). I had no choice but to buy it anyway as it was the best of all the items I saw in the shop at that time.

Then on the day when we went out to have dinner together to celebrate her birthday, we saw this Polo-Tee that I knew she would definitely love and it was confirmed when she said so herself. Anyway, we left it as it was.

A couple of days later, I passed the same Adidas shop and saw the Polo-Tee again. The salesperson asked me whether I wanted to buy it but I said I was not. It was at that time I realised maybe I could exchange the black T-Shirt for the Polo-Tee. I enquired with the salesperson and she said I could do it within 30 days of purchase.

I suggested the idea to my friend and she was very keen about it. The only thing was that she had worn it once and had it washed but she still had all the tag and plastic cover. The T-Shirt was almost as good as new.

Two days ago I went to have the item changed but I struggled whether to tell the salesperson that the T-Shirt has been worn once already. One part said just keep quiet and have it changed quickly but the other part urged me to tell the truth.

In the end, I chose the latter after I prayed for the Lord to give me the courage. Two things could have happened when I made the decision to tell the truth: one is that the shop would not allow me to exchange and I have no choice but to return the black T-Shirt to my friend; two is that it would be allowed.

I was prepared to have my request rejected but to my surprise the salesperson agreed to change for me though I informed him about the T-Shirt having been worn already.

Well, I praise the Lord for giving me the guts to tell the truth and in the end, feeling good about it. I hope I will continue to practise this throughout my journey here on earth.

Okay, I shall end here. Very sleepy. :)

Good night to one and all!

"Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor..." Ephesians 4:25a

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