Sunday, May 03, 2009

God's Grace Is Always Sufficient!

My initial suspicion of mum suffering from a stroke came true when dad called, while I was in service, to inform me that the diagnosis was a minor stroke. When I heard that, I praise God that it was once again detected early as with the first one she had a couple of years ago.

I went to see mum in the afternoon. She looked better compared to yesterday. She was able to speak properly and was alert to my presence when I entered the ward. She will be warded for a few more days as the doctor needs to medicate her and also to ensure that she is strong enough to be discharged.

I shall stop here as I am sleepy. A lot of thoughts are running in my mind - I shall share them soon once I have reflected on them.

Good night, everyone. Have a blessed week ahead!

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12

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