Thursday, November 01, 2007

Seeking Peace

Early this morning I was awoken by a couple of smses and from then on my heart was troubled over something which, as far as I saw it, was a misunderstanding. I shall not disclose too much information as I feel it is not right to do so in a public website or for that matter, share it with others who are not involved. Anyway, I tried my best to explain the whole situation over smses and MSN but I did not feel comfortable doing it through these mediums as sometimes one could not tell the tone or expression of the other.

Anyway, I have submitted the above-mentioned to the Lord and hope He will make clear to the relevant parties the truth of the whole matter. I also had to deal with the source where the information was disseminated. I had to leave my office before lunch-time to meet the person and I thank God it was a fruitful time spent together. I am glad the air was cleared. I hope it is.

The whole incident has scared me quite a bit but I will press on in letting God give me the discernment to know what I should do the next time I encounter the same situation. I am sure since I have allowed Him in my decision-making, He will also make a way should there be a misunderstanding.

I had to rush back to the office to make a presentation to some high-level personnel. Fumbled here and there but overall, they understood the proposals my team made. They have approved some of them. Those not will have to go back to the drawing block which was something all of us were hoping it would not happen as we have another new project coming up. Anyway, thanks be to God for everything.

After the meeting, I rushed to church for a brainstorming session with the Lay Ministry Staff regarding the first draft of the revised Missions Policy. Along the way, I bought lunch. Got a burger from Burger King and ate it before I went to the LMS' office. We started at 4:15pm and ended around 7pm.

I was physically and mentally exhausted. I had wanted to go home immediately but realising that I need to email the first draft to the rest of the Review Committee for our first meeting next week, I decided to complete the amendments in the church office. Thanks be to God I completed them and will find some time to email the document to the Committee members tomorrow.

I shall stop here. To God be the glory for all that had happened since this morning.

"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to one hope when you were called— one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all." Ephesians 4:2-6

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