Tuesday, November 13, 2007

God Of Wonders

I am eating my corn-beef sandwiches now and reading some documents at the same time for the new assignment that was given to the team yesterday. I decided to take a break and blog a little of what had happened so far on this second day of the work-week.

I am done with one of two major presentations for this week. We started at 8:30am and ended at around 11:15am. Thanks be to God all went well and the panel has unanimously accepted our proposal. This is a great boost and encouragement to the team as it now paves the way for us to execute the other plans that are in the pipeline for the next one month or so.

One more presentation to go on Thursday and it is with another panel. I pray they too will approve another proposal that the team is making. Once that hurdle is cleared, we can all breathe a lot better.

My nose has been running like a tap. When I was giving the presentation, it was rather embarrassing that I had to keep blowing my nose. It is now so red that I am like Rudolph, the Red-Nose Reindeer. Haha. Anyway, Christmas is just round the corner - can blend in with the season, I guess. :)

Perhaps later I should just go out and catch some fresh air, rather than inhaling the recycled air in the office. Hopefully a bit of sun can do my nose some good. It is actually quite painful because of the constant blowing. I pray I will be well soon especially when I have to go on a mission trip next Thursday.

Today I have been humming and singing another song entitled "God of Wonders". The words remind me of how mighty God is and also His holiness. Singing praises to God while working especially in a relatively stressful environment does help to calm my heart especially when there are anxiety-attacks that I am unable to cope with the workload in office.

Well, I guess I shall go back to reading my documents.


Verse 1:
Lord of all creation;
of water, earth, and sky.
The heavens are Your tabernacle.
Glory to the Lord on High!

God of wonders, beyond our galaxy.
You are holy, holy.
The universe declares Your majesty.
You are holy, holy.
Lord of heaven and earth.

Verse 2:
Early in the morning,
I will celebrate the light.
And as I stumble through the darkness,
I will call Your name by night.

Hallelujah to the Lord of heaven and earth! (3X)

"Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." Ephesians 5:19-20

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