Monday, December 10, 2007

I Am A Child Of God!

I think I just got MSG attack. I came back not too long ago from a day-trip to Johor Bahru and had a sumptuous seafood dinner. One of the dishes probably had a lot of MSG in it because a while after I ate, the headache came. I just had two panadols - I hope it will go away soon as I have to go back to work tomorrow.

The six of us from church had 2 kinds of crab-dishes - one in the normal chilli sauce and the other cooked with salted eggs; crayfish cooked with cereals; butter prawns; deep-fried baby squids; tou-fu with vegetables; fried you-tiao (dough sticks) stuffed with minced fish; barbequed sting-ray with chilli; and chicken cooked with Chinese herbs over hot clays.

Well, thanks be to God for the food and the shopping that we did at one of the shopping centres. I did not buy anything though. Nothing caught my eyes actually.

Anyway, I have not blogged the past few days as I have been away at the Youth Camp. It was held in Anglo-Chinese School (International) located opposite Holland Village. I had a great time with a total of about 75 campers (including leaders). I enjoyed the time of fellowship with them and I am glad I got to know a couple of youths better.

I was the Camp Medic. It was quite trying as I had to deal with some minor injuries (sprains, cuts, etc) during game-times; treat a few who are down with flu, sore throat, stomach cramps, gastritis, headaches, fever, etc. There were two cases of asthmatic attacks where one was quite bad but thanks be to God, He healed the dear sister-in-Christ. I also had to carry her from the field to the toilet so that the other sisters-in-Christ could change her wet clothes with dry ones.

The camp theme was "WAY - Who Are You?" I am glad through the speaker sessions, many of the youths now understand better their identity in Christ. They were also challenged to know God deeper by reading His Word, in prayer and in fellowship with one another.

On the last night, there was an activity where the youths had to go through three stations where their faith was put to test. A couple of them were traumatised but at the end of it all, many of them were challenged to hold fast to their faith even during times of persecution and trials. They also learnt the power of Christian fellowship where it was easier to go through a testing of their faith together than being on their own. At the end of the session, there was a ministry-time made by the Assistant Pastor. Many came forward to recommit their lives and to be prayed for. Glory to God for that!

Well, I am sad that the camp has now come to past but I am at the same time joyful that the bond of love in the Youth Ministry has grown deeper and tighter.

During the activity conducted on the last night, I played an anti-Christ. Frankly I did not feel good "torturing" the youths but it was definitely easier to be the persecutor than the persecuted as I did not have to go through the trials and pain. A scary thought came to mind though - will I really be one of these persecutors should one day Singapore be an anti-Christ country? I prayed and asked the Lord for mercy that I would not. I was challenged at that point to make sure God's Word will be the voice speaking to me when such thoughts come to mind and that I will always stand by my faith. I also need to always be reminded that I am a child of God and that is basically my identity.

Not a pleasant thought I had to entertain, I have to say.

Anyway, I am glad I had a good rest when I got home from the camp. I slept from 2pm to dinner-time. After that I slept again till this morning. I am more refreshed now... I need it as I have to be back at work tomorrow.

Well, I shall end here.

All thanks and praise to God for the experiences I had the past few days. :)

"It is the LORD your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him." Deuteronomy 13:4

"For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." Philippians 1:21

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