Monday, July 28, 2008

I Am Helped!

I am so happy now. The past few days I have been struggling so hard to do all the 8 posters for the Missions Ministry's Exhibition, which will be held during my church's fundraising dinner this Friday. I have never experienced such inertia. Amazing but true!

Every time I wanted to get down to do the above-mentioned, I would just get distracted and ended up doing other stuff - going shopping, watch a movie, go online, etc. Then this procrastination led to anxieties and frustrations. Just yesterday I was at the peak of my worries as I really had no idea how I should present the work of missions in my church.

I guess I struggled in the sense where I do not want the exhibition to portray a picture of achievements because the Missions Ministry is not about counting one's accomplishments. It is more so giving glory to God for all that had happened and also ministering to the people who have yet to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.

Thanks be to God for those of you who have interceded for me! That really made a difference. I am especially thankful to my dear sister for being there to help me do the lay-outs and also giving ideas. She could have spent today doing other stuff but she chose to be there for her big brother. I am very blest and I praise God for her! :)

A dear brother also offered to help me. I told him I would probably need his assistance in the area of printing the posters but I shall see how it goes tomorrow when I do the final touch-ups.

The above two paragraphs served as a reminder that there are siblings-in-Christ who are willing to lend a hand when one is in need. I take comfort in that. Praise God for the bond of love!

I basically have one worry left and that is whether the printers accept Microsoft Publisher's format. I will spend some time in prayer later, asking the Lord to clear the path for me.

Well, I guess that is all I want to share for now. I am physically and mentally drained! Looking forward to my sleep now. I pray it will freshen me up for a brand new day tomorrow which I am now truly looking forward to! Yay!

Glory to God on high!

"The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song." Psalm 28:7

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