Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tough But Perservering!

Two days of public holidays to celebrate the Lunar New Year are almost coming to a close. It has been an eventful period for me. In fact it started on the eve, a day after grandma was discharged from the hospital.

Well, just before the commencement of the reunion dinner, grandma had a fall in her room. As I was busy cooking and the rest of my family members entertaining our relatives, grandma was left alone for a while. But that short time proved to be disastrous. I think she kind of knew that her great-grandson has just arrived and she was probably eager to see him. Without asking for assistance, she tried standing on her own and I guess that was how she fell. It was my cousin who found her on the floor.

Since then she complains of pain occasionally - first it was the back center (which was yesterday); this morning she mentioned her surgical area was painful.

I wanted to bring her to the hospital in the morning. I called one of the staff for advice but we were asked to come tomorrow instead as the specialists are not available due to the holidays. I shall monitor grandma's condition today and see how. So far she has been fine and I hope it remains so. If all goes well, I will probably wait till 30 January when grandma is due for her review.

Since grandma's homecoming, I have not been able to sleep properly. About two to three times at night, she would press the buzzer and I would have to wake up to accompany her to the toilet. I am not complaining but just concerned as to why she is relieving herself so often. Mum asked me to put the adult diapers on her but I objected to it as I do not want grandma to be too dependent on that.

Anyway, it is a matter of adapting to grandma's condition and I guess everyone at home will get used to it soon.

Initially I thought I was unable to join some friends for our annual Lunar New Year lunch as I was all set to admit grandma into the hospital but since it was not to be, I decided to catch a breather and go for the feasting and fellowship.

It has always been a great joy being in the company of good friends - some whom I have known for 28 years since we were in Primary 6. Praise God for them all.

We had a good meal at Springleaf Teochew Porridge Restaurant situated along Upper Thomson Road. We broke our tradition of eating dim sum but no regrets as the food was good! After that, we had good coffee at The Yahava Koffee joint just a couple of streets away. The coffee and cakes were great! We were even treated to a coffee appreciation session by one of the barristers. :)

After the get-together, I headed for NEX to buy some groceries. Headed home and rested since.

Well, I am glad I am on leave for the remaining part of the week. Looking forward to it. :)

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