Thursday, January 12, 2012

Every Day Is A Blessing In Itself!

I am still feeling a little sleepy but I am thankful I am able to feel this way. Funny as it sounds but after yesterday's near-death accident while cycling, being able to wake up this morning to breathe in the fresh air and experience the sunrise is good enough for me.

It is the worst experience by far for me since I started cycling.

I was riding with a dear friend along the Changi Coastal Road. Nearing the midway mark, I decided to switch to the lower bar but while doing that, I suddenly lost control of the bike and started to swerve right which is to the outer lanes and towards the other side of the road where the oncoming traffic is.

I was all set to fall and praying that there would be no cars behind or in front of me. As I was anticipating that, I did not know how I was able to grab hold of one of the brakes and slowly stir myself from falling though the bike was wobbling badly. Till now, I do not know how I did that but I want to attribute it to the grace and mercy of God.

My friend did not see the incident as she was in front of me. When I regained my composure, I basically cycled back to the other side of the road and caught up with her.

This morning when I woke up and just lazed on bed, I reflected on yesterday's incident. The headwind last night was bad so I do not know whether that is one of the contributing factors. Frankly I am also not use to using the lower bar and that probably is the main cause of it all.

Anyway, I guess God knows that I should not get injured due to the three old folks whom I need to take care of but this incident has woken me up to the probable dangers which I need to be more aware the next time I cycle.

Have a blessed day everyone... every day is a blessing in itself - cherish it. :)

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