Monday, November 13, 2006

Part & Parcel Of A Relationship

This afternoon something I did not hope to happen occurred. In fact I thought it would have been a beautiful day ahead but it started off quite badly.

I had a conflict with a dear sister of mine. All I wanted to do was to show her my concern as I felt she was going through some struggles but I guess I spoke too much and listened too little. In the end, I could have agitated her instead.

This is one area that I am still learning as I go through life's journey. Sometimes showing care and concern need not necessarily mean having to talk. I guess I have failed and will strife to learn from this and be a better brother to another.

The whole day I was asking myself - when I know of someone in need, should I just go to the person and help him or her (as I would do) or should I discern and see first? Then again, if I wait, how long will that be?

I have no exact answers yet (if there are any at all) but I kind of concluded that different approaches need to be taken for different people.

I do not like conflicts because they darken the day which was supposed to be bright but I guess this is part and parcel of a relationship. It takes effort. It takes sensitivity. If I have done something wrong, may I be forgiven by my friend and may the Lord bring reconciliation between us soon.

"My dear brothers (and sisters), take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires." James 1:19-20

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