Thursday, March 29, 2012

I Am Still Andy Chew

On my way back from cycling after seeing a dear friend home, I encountered an ugly incident involving a Mercedes. I signaled way in advance for a right turn at a junction. A taxi gave way but this Mercedes C200 came so close to me and started honking repeatedly. If I had not veered right a little, the driver, in his late thirties, would have brushed me and I would probably have fallen off the bike in the middle of the cross junction.

Being a cyclist, I have learnt to adopt a "You-Win" mentality. If he wants to turn right first, so be it! I will let him win if it so satisifies his ego but I just cannot understand why he had to behave the way he did.

If he thinks I am going to challenge him just because he taunted me... well, I got better things to do. As he drove off, I thanked God, first of all, that I was still pedaling and in one piece. I also shared with Him my frustration and disappointment (not so much of anger) and prayed for the driver that he would come to his senses. The rest I will leave it to God to speak to that person.

Lately I have encountered many incidents involving people's behaviour. I will not go into specifics because that is not the purpose of this blog.

People can taunt me; they can make assumptions or conclusions of me; they can be dissatisfied with whatever I am doing for them; they can have all kinds of expectations of me... well, basically they can do or say anything but one thing I know is that all these will not make me, Andy Chew, a different person just to suit their taste-buds.

I am not perfect (that's what I know) and I am constantly learning but do not expect me to be the most ideal relative or brother-in-Christ or friend or colleague because I cannot. I can try - that's all I can do. But if it so changes me to be someone I am not, I am sorry, I cannot make it and I will not. My request is to accept me where I am now - both my failures and successes.

At the end of the day, I account my life to God first.

Anyway, my day has not been that great. Mum called this afternoon to inform me that grandma has been throwing her tantrums and that she poo-ed on her way to the toilet. When I came home, I asked grandma what happened and she snapped at me.

It did not help that there were several changes made to my day's schedules at work because of an urgent matter I had to attend. In the end it was due to some wrong information being sent out which caused a misunderstanding. It could have been verified right at the start by the relevant person but it was not to be.

Praise God that the matter has been rectified.

The ride was a good way of just letting off steam and also reflecting on the day's adventure. I also prayed for a couple of issues and persons.

I had a pretty good time with my dear friend who rode with me. We had a simple dinner of fish-head curry and rice at Changi Village before riding back to Marine Parade.

Well, I shall go sleep now.

A great and wonderful new day beckons. Night, all! :)

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