Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Lose To Win

Looks like I can forget about going cycling again. I am now in Millennia Walk. Just finished a meeting. I was planning to go home but when I saw the rain, I decided to buy a drink at Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf to catch up on my reading. Yesterday was also a failed attempt to ride with a dear friend due to the overcast weather. As I am still recovering, I did not want to be caught in the rain and worsen my flu which is already more than a week old.

I miss spending time in a cafe to read or to blog my thoughts. Being able to do so now is a good feeling. :)

The past one week or so, as mentioned in the opening paragraph, was spent at home recuperating. I was down with fever, sore throat, cough and flu. I was initially given two days of medical leave and a course of anti-biotics but that did not help. I had to see the doctor again. My medical leave was extended and given another course of anti-biotics. I felt better but till now, I am still not fully recovered.

Thank God for tele-conferencing, I was able to work at home and hold meetings with my team. Again, praise God for my team members! They were more concerned that I get well than being so engrossed with work when I should be resting.

This morning I took some time to do my devotion. During my reflection on some issues I am experiencing now, I was reminded that to lose at some points of my life is the road to victory. I learnt that losing is not a weakness nor victory a trophy. They are basically experiences in which help build my character.

As I was pondering on that, a song suddenly came to mind...


Verse 1:
In Christ alone will I glory,
though I could pride myself
in battles won.
For I've been blessed beyond measure
and by His strength alone, I overcome.
Oh, I could stop and count successes
like diamonds in my hands
but these trophies could not equal
to the grace, by which I stand.

In Christ alone,
I place my trust
and find my glory
in the power of the cross.
In every victory,
let it be said of me -
my source of strength,
my source of hope
is Christ alone.

Verse 2:
In Christ alone will I glory,
for only by His grace
I am redeemed.
And only His tender mercy
could reach beyond my weakness
to my need.
Now I seek no greater honor
than just to know Him more
and to count my gains but losses
and to the glory of my Lord.

Amen to those words of the song! :) As I was just humming along, I was challenged to do what the later segment of the second verse read, "Now I seek no greater honour than just to know Him more and to count my gains but losses and to the glory of my Lord."

It reminded me to surrender my life totally to God so that His life, who is greater than mine, can consume me in such a way that everything else around does not matter as much as Him. This is a great revelation for me because an individual's life, in complete devotion to God, is not going to be affected by the setbacks and victories of life because they are just temporary to him. What matters is the life beyond. What matters is knowing the One who gave us life. We can still enjoy everything here on earth but it must not blind us from what is eternal.

I guess I shall stop here and read my book. :)

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