Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Power of Yielding

Two days of meeting outside campus and over a rainy season is such a dampener. Pardon the pun. I have to bring an umbrella around. My socks a little wet because I accidentally stepped on a puddle of water. On top of that, it was so cold in the conference room where the discussion was held. Brrrr.... :)

Anyway, it is over. Two short work-days for my team. We just had our debrief and I am now spending some time doing my devotion and also, as you can see, blogging some thoughts down.

I am just praying next week, the weather will be drier as I need to try out some camera equipment out-field. Of course I will be handling the Canon ones while two of my team members will be using Nikon's. In fact this Saturday we will begin our photo-shoot sessions by attending the "Fashion Steps Out at Orchard." I guess it is going to be fun shooting models along Orchard Road as they strut the latest outfits for the different brands involved. I hardly do fashion-shoots but I am already so looking forward to it. :)

I was just reading today's devotion from the book, "My Utmost for His Highest" and Oswald Chambers shared in his opening paragraph which hit me instantly, "The first thing I must be willing to admit when I begin to examine what controls and dominates me is that I am the one responsible for having yielded myself to whatever it may be. If I am a slave to myself, I am to blame because somewhere in the past I yielded to myself. Likewise, if I obey God I do so because at some point of my life I yielded myself to Him."

I can almost immediately identify what he was saying. Many times we blame others or the devil or circumstances for certain struggles we go through but in all these, we hardly admit that we are usually the cause of them all. This word then comes into the picture, "Yielding."

If we yield to ourselves and subject ourselves to the lust ("I must have it now!") of this world, then we are enslaved to the things we covet for. If we yield ourselves to bearing a grudge against someone, then we will always find ourselves finding fault with the person or always being angry with him or her. If we yield ourselves to pornography, then we will subject ourselves to undesirable websites where sex and orgies reside. If we yield ourselves to greed, then we will never be satisfied with what we have. If we yield ourselves to anything which we know is displeasing to God, then what He says does not matter.

Well, basically in the course of them all, we are constantly striving and many times we find ourselves struggling to get out... that is if we ever want to.

I like it that yielding can also be to Someone who can make a difference in our lives and of course, this Someone is God Himself. We can be set free only through the power of redemption. Yielding to Jesus will break every kind of slavery in any person's life. It is my prayer that I will choose this kind of yielding.

Even now as I am blogging this lesson I learnt, already in my heart I know I have yielded to areas which I know may not be beneficial to my life. Tough, I have to admit, but I will press on and with God's help, I know I can overcome - one at a time. :)

Okay, I am distracted even as I jot my thoughts down. There are these two cute girls sitting next to me! Haha! Caught you there! I know what is in your mind. Not big girls, if you are thinking of that, but two little ones. One of them keeps coming to my MacBook and peeping into what I am doing. Every time when I know she is coming, I will switch from blogging to a YouTube video showing the PowerPuff Girls. She and her sister would then watch along with me.

Her mummy just asked what we are watching and she laughed when I told her about it. :)

That is another reason why I like to do work in the cafe. I get to talk to some of the staff whom I know after patronising for years two Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf outlets - Millennia Walk and Ion Orchard.

Okie, the two girls are coming back again. I think I shall stop here and continue with our PowerPuff Girls' video. :)

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