Friday, December 02, 2011

He Did Not Wait

I have just posted on my Facebook that I woke up with a heart of thankfulness, simply knowing that while I was helpless, ungodly and a sinner, Christ died for me! Praise the Lord for that!

The above-mentioned was preached by Rev. Reuben Ng in his first session to the campers. It was a simple message not only for the young but for a believer like me who has been a Christian for 26 years. Sometimes I myself need to be reminded of such a message, which, interestingly, was the reason why I turned my life to Christ. I guess, along the way, I have forgotten about it because it has been so long or simply for the fact that I have been dragged along the flow of this world where there are so much distractions that God became so small in my life.

It is always heartening to know that God did not wait till we become perfect or reach a certain level of 'holiness' then He sent His Son, Jesus Christ to die for us. He did not simply tell us that He loves us. Instead He put love into action! He meant what He said! Christ died for all. Period!

Yesterday during ministry time I was challenged to live out my Christian faith boldly and not be afraid of being scrutinised by the people around me. Many times we are hesitant in telling people we are a Christian because we still do not want to let go of some of our past - perhaps some pet sins or unfinished business we have with someone or a hatred we are harbouring, etc. Hence we fear that people will mock us for not being authentic because these areas are still stifling us.

As Christ did not wait for us to be perfect before He died for us on the cross, I think we also should not wait any longer by revealing our identity to the world. So long as each day we are overcoming the sins or shortcomings of our lives, we are always one step closer to godliness and holiness.

Well, the real test is always when I am out of church because in church it is always easy to be a Christian but when out of it, it is a totally different thing. Oh yah, Pastor Reuben mentioned this and I thought it made a lot of sense! Going to church does not make one a Christian. It is the same as going to McDonalds does not make one a hamburger!

Where is God in my heart? Where is God in your heart?

Wait no more!

"You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:6-8

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