Saturday, December 17, 2011

Love God. Live Life. Take Risk

This morning I woke up sniffing a little. I guess it has been the lack of rest since the start of the mission trip till now when after being back here I still cannot rest as I need to handle the health matters of grandma and mum.

It does not help that one thing happens after another. Grandma was scheduled for surgery yesterday but it was postponed because there were a few emergency surgeries which the hospital needed to handle.

Then this morning I was told that she would be going for her operation. One hour later, I received a call from the hospital that it has to be postponed again as grandma has rashes around the hip area.

Just about an hour ago, my brother called to inform me that grandma's appetite has been bad and she is feeling nauseous. She is also experiencing some discomfort on her affected leg.

I feel very helpless whenever I receive news like the above-mentioned. I cannot deny that it can be frustrating and sometimes I wish something can be done there and then. At the end of it all, I just have to trust that God knows what He is doing and I will let Him deal with all these by simply praying about it.

I decided not to visit grandma and mum in the hospital as I did not want to let my flu-bug affect them. I took the time to do some housework by bathing the pets, sweeping the floor and doing the laundry.

After that, I felt like going out to catch a breather. I went to town for a while wanting to shop but with the crowd and all, I decided against it. I just walked around and after two hours or so, I decided to head home.

I was doing some reflections as I was walking and I remembered three things which a missionary from Ireland shared during the mission trip. His name is Jonny Hamill. He shared with the team that in our life's journey, we should always love God first with no compromise on this whatsoever.

Having that priority right enables us to live life to the fullest, knowing full well that God is in control and that no matter how tough the going may be, we can still live joyfully knowing that God will pull us through. Many are struggling because the element of God's presence is missing hence they are always feeling alone, having to fight life's battle on their own. When exhaustion sets in, that means the end for the person.

Sometimes living the Christian life is not about playing it safe but having to take risks which many may not dare to do so. Many times God calls His children to live their lives different from what the society calls for. In all occasions we are told to stand out and not blend in - being a light basically, always shining. If one has the guts to do so, he will be scrutinised, mocked and persecuted but if doing so can win souls for God, it is all worth it.

It is easy for me to write all the above-mentioned but I know in reality it is tough but that should not stop me from trying. If I fail, I will try again and this goes on till I succeed one day.

Well, a very good counsel from my Irish brother-in-Christ. Praise the Lord for him! May God use him and his wife, Jill, mightily in Cambodia.

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