Thursday, December 08, 2011

Bye, Singapore. Hello, Cambodia!

In a couple of hours I will be with 15 other siblings-in-Christ at the airport, preparing to leave for our mission trip to Phnom Penh.

After 5 months of preparation, the time has come to put all the plans to action. While I was praying yesterday, I was reminded that these plans must be accompanied with God's guidance and a love for His people (the Khmers)!

Well, I guess the team members must remind each other on the above-mentioned as we go through each day of ministry. I pray for God's name to be glorified and His people edified in this 7-day stint in Cambodia.

I just finished packing and praise the Lord that everything is able to fit into my mid-size luggage. There are so many things to bring - medical bag, portable photo-printer with the papers and cartridges, stuff which I am bringing on behalf of some friends, my clothes and other personal belongings.

It has been a tiring week as there were a couple of things to do before I leave - bringing grandma for her jab which I forgot to do so on Monday, cleaning the house, doing the laundry, settling outstanding bills, buying groceries, bathing the pets, etc. I was also trying to recharge myself after an epic camp last week. :)

Anyway, I was quite concerned for grandma. When I was chatting with her, I asked her why she was walking with a limp and she told me she had a fall while going marketing. As much as my heart went out to her, I was also angry because I have told her several times not to go out but she still does it once in a while without the family members' knowledge. Sigh. She is the kind who cannot sit still at home so I cannot blame her when she sneaks out of the house secretly.

All I can ask of the Lord is to protect her when she goes out and that while I am away, everything would be fine. Nowadays I cannot leave home without worrying for the old folks.

Well, I shall leave all these to God and concentrate on the work in Cambodia, at least for the next one week.

There are a couple of other loved ones I am thinking about too but that is all I can do for now.

Time to end here.

I shall blog as and when I have wi-fi connection.

Bye, all!

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