Monday, February 23, 2009

Living The Faith Starts At Home

Mum is sick again - she is down with urine infection and because of that, she is having a fever and feeling cold at the same time. Dad brought her to see the family doctor and was prescribed antibiotics to counter the infection. This medication adds on to the many which she has to consume every day.

When I was told by grandma over the phone that mum was down, I felt very frustrated! I questioned God as to why this must happen to mum again and in the process cause many inconveniences and anxieties to the rest of the family members.

As I remained quiet, hoping for an answer, I realised it was a selfish cry because it was not so much due to my concern for mum which made me question God but more so the dreadful thought of having to handle her medical issues again. Of course this means I have lesser time for myself again after just two weeks since her discharge from hospital.

The above revelation of my inward looking thought taught me to not be too quick to question God every time something unpleasant happens but instead to be still and just search my heart regarding the things I say to God and to know that He is GOD.

Before writing this blog, I spent some time praying. During the conversation with my Abba Father, He revealed to me another thing which I was challenged to do - that is the need for me to live out my faith as much as possible at home.

I have to confess that I have not been doing much, as in openly, simply because it is something that the family is not used to though 4 out of 5 are Christians. We do not pray together; say grace before meals; read the Bible together; ask one another about what we have learnt from the Bible and the weekly sermons; embracing one another with the love of God.

Yes, I can use excuses like we are Asians; that this is not a practice of the family; that this can cause awkwardness; that we have to be sensitive to my brother who is a pre-believer; etc. At the end of the day, dad, mum, grandma and I have to acknowledge that our faith in God must start at home. What we practice in church must also be lived out at home and since I know this now, it has to start with me.

Well, not easy, sad to say, but I will give it a shot from tomorrow onwards. I will not be too aggressive but I shall take baby steps and see how it goes from there.

Thanks be to God for allowing me to learn more lessons today. :)

Sleeping time. Good night!

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you." Philippians 4:8-9


etait said...

Hey Andy,
Am certain you and your family will be greatly blessed by doing this. Will keep you and mum in prayer. And thanks for being so candid. Take care.

Pilgrim's Progress said...

Thank you for your encouragement and prayer support.

Everything will be alright God's time. I just have to be patient, I guess. :)