Monday, February 02, 2009

Friends Forever

I shall keep this short as I am feeling unwell from a case of mild food poisoning. I do not know which food I ate that caused me to have diarrhoea. Over the weekend, it was really pigging out time with mainly the MacRitchie Running Fellowship. I think we should now call ourselves the MacRitchie Eating Fellowship. Haha.

On Saturday, the gang met for a Lunar New Year Feast at East Ocean Restaurant in Shaw Towers. Yesterday we had fried spring chicken at Arnold's in City Plaza. In the evening I had dinner with my God-son and his family at IKEA.

I enjoyed the time of fellowship with these my siblings-in-Christ. We have been friends for more than 10 years already. It is my prayer that we will continue this friendship for as long as possible and that this group will grow deeper in building each other up in the faith.

On Friday I went to the Flower Festival in Sentosa with my sister. We took a lot of pictures of the wide varieties of flowers featured. We also watched the Chingay Festival at the viewing gallery in Marina Square. I won two tickets in a contest organised by the People's Association.

We were initially thinking of buying two tickets from another friend but since I won them, we cancelled our reservation which I felt bad doing that. Frankly, I would rather buy the tickets as the location for those is much better than the one my sister and I were at.

Anyway, we also took a lot of pictures at the event though I do not particularly like night photography due to the absence of light.

That said, the above-mentioned affirmed in me my love for photography. I will spend a considerable amount of time in 2009 to better myself in this skill and to use it to encourage the people around me. :)

Well, time for me to end here. I shall sleep now and hopefully by tomorrow I will be well.

Good night, all and have a blessed week!

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