Tuesday, February 10, 2009

God Is Good To Mum And All

I am glad and relieved that mum will be coming home tomorrow after staying in hospital for almost a week. Praise the Lord that so far most of the results for the tests carried out have turned out good except for the kidney stone.

Mum's sugar level has dropped to 7.4 which is the best since her admission. Well, I am praying now that she will be careful in what she consumes when she gets back to the routines of life again. I guess I will have to keep reminding her and also to ask dad to keep a look-out since they are always together.

I did not see mum today as I needed to do something for my brother at his shop. He went to the hospital in the evening and it was there that he got all the updates.

In anticipation of mum's discharge from the hospital, I did some housework just now - mopping the floor and washing all the fans in every room and in the hall. It was tiring but it was all worth it.

I went to watch a movie with my God-sister at Orchard Cineleisure. It was this show entitled, "Defiance" - a story about how some 1200 Jews were saved from the atrocities of the Germans and how they fought for their freedom by protecting themselves.

The one thing that kept coming back to me while watching the show was this - that man in general is sinful and that is why God sent His Son to die for all and not some. Yes, though the Jews were oppressed by the Nazis, their actions also sometimes showed the down-fall of man by killing Germans in the name of vengeance and stealing from farmers in the name of saving themselves against starvation.

One phrase I learnt from the main actor (wordings may not be exact but here's the gist of it) - "though we may be hunted by the Germans like animals but that does not mean we have to be like animals by killing unnecessarily." Easy to say but hard to practise especially in a war context but we should all try not to live lives like animals because others are treating us like one.

Anyway, I am tired.

It has been a restful day! Praise God!

Yay! Mummy is coming home! :)

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head." Romans 12:18-20

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