Thursday, March 27, 2008

What's With The Attitude?

Sometimes I wish not caring for people anymore especially my friends. Here I am trying my best to be there for them and what I got in return was a cold shoulder or unwillingness to share.

I realised it is tough nowadays to be a friend to another. I remembered when I was a youth and going through my tumultuous growing up years, there were many around me who showed their love and care for me. Did I find them a nuisance? Not at all. In fact, I appreciated all that they did for me.

I learnt the power of love - it helped me grow to be who I am now. I also remembered the hugs I received when I was down and out - it meant a lot to me when I felt so lonely in the midst of my struggles. The warmth given to me during those times assured me that I was never alone and that I would always have a shoulder to cry on when I needed one.

I told myself then that when I grow up, I will do the same as what they had done for me but now that I am doing it, it is not as easy as I thought it to be.

I was just pondering about the reasons for people shutting their doors on others and here are a few I could think of:-

1) The society has taught individuals not to trust others but themselves;

2) People are reminded that it is better to depend on themselves than on others - not be a sissy or a weakling;

3) Because many have been taught to have a "each-his-own" mentality hence they themselves not practising love and care towards others, that when they are receiving such love and care from their friends, they find them a nuisance and a busybody. Some do not even know how to react and the easiest way is to shut people out;

4) The term that I HATE most - GENERATION-GAP!

I am not trying to force people to open themselves up but do spare a thought for those who are genuine in wanting to help.

Yes, every one needs their space and I respect that. I am sharing the above-mentioned for myself and all who are reading this to reflect and evaluate.

We need to begin to trust one another now (if not we will never be able to trust at all); we need to be vulnerable (because we are humans! No one is perfect!); and we need to be selfless and not self-centered (sometimes we need someone to be there for us and at other times we need to be there for someone else. That is how we keep each other going); lastly, we MUST bridge the generation gap (Come on, adults and youths, let us begin to understand one another better! If we do not start doing that now, the gap will SURELY widen. Whose fault when this happens? EVERYONE!).

Well, I am writing all these out of frustrations but mark my words, I WILL continue to LOVE and CARE for my friends! Call me a nuisance or a busybody or a pain but however and whenever I can I will continue to be a friend to another. Of course I cannot be there for all my friends all the time (sometimes I wish I can) but I will try. Sometimes I will fail - bear with me.

Okay, I feel better now that I have let the "Argh!" out of me!

I am still in office, having to prepare for a presentation tomorrow. I was actually home early, around 5pm, to meet someone but the appointment was cancelled. I decided to head back to campus to continue from where I left off. Praise the Lord for the progress and I should be able to finish the preparations before the clock strikes 12.

Tiring and frustrating day but thanks be to God!

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." Ecclessiastes 4:9-12

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