Friday, March 07, 2008

God Created No One Stupid

I came back not too long ago from the Worship Team rehearsal. The flow of the songs was not what I planned it to be but still I want to praise God for guiding the team through. I am glad every one is now more familiar and has a better understanding of how one song leads to another.

Being a perfectionist, I was humbled after tonight's session. I was once again reminded that I can plan all I want and hope things to turn out my way but in the end, it is the Lord who will be the One guiding.

As I was walking out of the church building to the main road to catch a bus, I surrendered to God my fears and insecurities as I am not fully confident in leading this Sunday's service. I guess it is good that things turned out differently as it would then mean that I will have to trust God and not on my own ability and wisdom.

I am looking forward to Sunday no matter what. I know He will not fail me and that He has already heard my cries for help.

Well, Friday is here and the manic week I dreaded has come to pass. I am exhausted but I survived. All thanks and praise to God!

Another week of busyness awaits me actually but I shall leave that aside for now.

I have not been able to blog the past few days as I had to prepare a couple of things at work and by the time I came home, I was just too drained to do anything else.

Oh yah, I managed to squeeze some time in the late afternoon to visit the IT Show. It was a very focused trip to Suntec City Convention Centre. I headed directly to the fourth level; to this particular booth that sells camera tripod stands; bought the one I wanted; and off I went to church. Fifteen minutes was all I spent. Haha.

Anyway, while I was in the bus, on my way to the exhibition, there were these two men, nicely dressed in their office attires, having a conversation on how idiotic people around them can be - first they spoke of idiotic drivers, then of idiotic colleagues and moving on to idiotic shoppers. They continued with how idiotic some people of a certain nationality can be. I shall not name that particular country mentioned.

Anyway, I was appalled at the warped views of these two individuals and the number of times the words "Idiots" or "Idiotic" have been used - as if they are the only two clever beings on this earth. I was not very pleased at one point because they spoke quite loudly of their remarks. I basically turned and glared at them. I did not say anything (though I really wanted to) but that was enough to shut them up.

That encounter caused me to evaluate on how I view people at times and I must remember that I have no right whatsoever to think of another as being idiotic or inferior. The reason is simple - I am also a created being and I am no different from the rest. Even a person borned intellectually slower than others is still intelligent. No one is born stupid. Every one is just different.

Well, I was that close to putting those two yuppies down but I thank God for reminding me to love and not judge them. I said a prayer for the two young men and went on with my agenda.

Time to sleep! Good night, every one and have a blessed and restful weekend!

"Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight." Isaiah 5:21

"Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." Psalm 139:23-24

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