Wednesday, November 05, 2008

My Apologies

When I wrote my previous blog I knew I would have caused some friends to be offended by what I shared because I seemed to be judgmental. Part of me says I need not explain myself further but the other part does not wish to create any rifts or misunderstandings.

All I have to say is there are pockets of friends, who instead of affirming and encouraging, mocked me outrightly when I shared with them about what I have been doing for the people around me.

What I shared in my blog is what I am going through in my life's journey. It is not meant to judge (may the Lord forgive me if I had). Instead it is to cause the readers and myself to ponder on those thoughts jotted down.

I may have done it on someone else and for me, it is an evaluation and a decision I have to take to stop this once and for all, lest I hurt another person by my insensitivity.

That said, I apologised to those who have taken offence in what I published especially the part which I seemed to have generalised "a supposed like-minded company."

The past few days of reflection on this have caused me to make this statement - "Just because I do not practise what others are doing which may be out of ordinary, it does not give me the right to mock them. Instead I should learn from them."

Well, I guess I am going to sleep with a heavy heart tonight but I trust that God will help me through this.

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