Friday, February 24, 2012

My Much-Needed Rest

This trip to Bali, though the main objective is to celebrate a good friend's birthday, also serves as a much-needed retreat away from the cares of home and office.

I basically need to catch a breather especially when lately I've been swarmed with having to handle matters at home concerning my parents and grandma.

Work also has a lot of deadlines to meet. A high expectation has also been placed on my shoulders in the curriculum-planning I'm tasked with.

I just did my devotion and I was reading Psalm 92 where the chapter begins with, "It is good to praise the Lord..."

For a while in my journey as a Christian, I never could understand why the Bible always asks the readers to have a heart of thanksgiving towards God and also situations.

It then dawned upon me that with this attitude, it basically allows me to see trials, struggles, anxieties, fears, etc, in a different light. It channels our attention from a bleak situation to that of hope.

It brings us out of a dead-end. It reminds us that we need not struggle through life alone.

That is one thing I like about my God. He almost always asks His children to be counter-culture and that's a good feeling. It makes us unique and at the same time allow us to have joy in the midst of adversity.

Well, a much-needed reminder for me.

Anyway, I enjoyed my first day here. Villa Kamboja, my home for the next three days, is simply stunning. The food served and service rendered to us were excellent!

I basically swam and chilled after settling in. I joined the rest of the running gang in discussing our activities for the next few days. I'm so looking forward to it.

Of course we also want the birthday-boy to enjoy the four-day celebration and make this trip a memorable one for him and all!

Before dinner at A&W, we shopped at Carrefour to buy groceries for the next few days. Man, you should see the amount of stuff we bought. Haha. The next few meals will be sumptuous!

Well, I just had a very relaxing massage. Though just an hour, it was excellent. We are going to do more throughout the course of this trip. :)

Okie dokies, time to sleep! A long day awaits tomorrow as we are all going wide-river rafting! Woohoo!

Good night, all! :)

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