Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fear Not!

Today is the third day that I have been exercising - basically to get myself in shape again after taking a long break due to injuries to my knees. It has been a good feeling having able to work out though I am taking it slow by doing brisk walking first. I will probably do this form of training for the next three months and review from there as to whether I can move on to jogging and after that running.

I took out the Polar Fitness watch which a dear brother-in-Christ gave me two years ago - it has been in the cupboard since the last time I ran which was almost a year ago. I had the batteries changed for both the watch and heart-rate transmitter. It is my prayer that I will be able to exercise regularly from now on.

Anyway, yesterday evening I was walking with my doggy Sasha at the park opposite my home. Towards the end of my exercise, I met an elderly gentleman and his wife. They were doing their stroll. When they saw Sasha, they played with her for a while.

I chatted with them as we walked along. It was good for me as I was cooling down. After a while, Aunty Poh Kim suggested to her husband, Uncle Joe, that they should head home since it was getting dark. She also commented that she does not like being in the ex-cemetery for too long.

I guess Uncle Joe knew that she was afraid of things like ghosts and chided her for being scared. It was here that I got to know they are Christians because Uncle Joe quoted a verse which read, "... the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world." (1 John 4:4b)

Immediately, it reminded me of the same verse that a Lay Ministry Staff from my church quoted when she was conducting the missions training session on "The Khmers of Cambodia." She shared this verse to encourage the missions team not to be afraid of the spiritual forces at work in the land where atrocities were rampant!

Uncle Joe went on to share that if we worship a God who is so great, being the King above all kings and the Lord above all lords, why should we, Christians, be afraid of anything at all? He then added that we should be as fearless as Jet Li! Haha. I think he was referring to the movie which the kung-fu star acted in not long ago. It was quite comical when I heard that.

As I was walking home and pondering on the wise words of Uncle Joe, they did make lots of sense. Many times the fears we have are pointless because the God Almighty whom we worship can help us at all times and at all cost - so long as we call upon Him!

It brought a lot of peace in me as well because lately I have been reflecting on my life and considering what is the next lap in my pilgrim's journey. The uncertainties seem so scary and when I realised I cannot predict the future, I got frustrated and anxious.

It is just so amazing how God brings people whom I do not know at all into my life at the very point when I needed an answer from Him. How can I not testify that this God is real?! Thanks be to Him for that!

The muscles around my legs are beginning to tense up but it feels good. I guess I need to continue to condition them with more exercises and I should be fine after a while.

Oh yah, praise the Lord too that I was able to finish preparing the missions training session which I am conducting this Sunday. There was an inertia this afternoon when I was doing the slides but everything went smoothly after starting on the first slide! :)

Time to go. Just had dinner and have to walk around the house a little.

"I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears." Psalm 34:4

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10

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