Sunday, August 09, 2009

Plans Down The Drain

This is the worst National Day I have ever had. I missed most part of the event as I was late. I had to wait for the MacRitchie Running Fellowship members to finish their run. In the first place every one started late (run supposed to start at 4.30pm but they only started at 5.15pm) and by the time they completed their route, it was already quite late.

We did not park at the correct location. We were in Shenton Way area which was far from the main show and by the time we tried to walk to the ideal spot, there were already road blocks erected by the authorities.

What I was really disappointed about is the fact that I missed completely the capturing of the fireworks display in photos, the march-past and also taking the pledge with the rest of my fellow Singaporeans. Where was the running gang in the end? Up on the 52nd storey of Capital Tower which did not give us a clear view of the fireworks display! Argh! The club also did not participate in the pledge-taking as every one was busy eating. How sad!

Anyway, I learnt two things from the above-mentioned - one, if ever I want to photograph events like fireworks display, I should do it with only a handful of people who are like-minded - photographers basically. They also must practise the discipline of being punctual as it is not fair to others who are punctual and excited over the event. Two, it is sometimes a blessing not to have a car as it can be a problem especially in finding a suitable place to park. That is why I still do not see the need for me to get a car hence no urgency to get a license. Too bad to those who disagree with me in this.

Well, I thought I could post some nice pictures as I had set all the functions of the camera to its ideal mode in capturing the light-works but I guess I have to wait for another occasion to do so.

Okie, I shall not dwell on this further.

Sleep would be a good thing to do next.

Good night, all. Enjoy another day of holiday tomorrow and have a blessed week ahead!

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