I had wanted to blog yesterday but after coming back from my cousin's wedding function in Malaysia, I was too tired to do anything else.
I was also fuming mad when the car I was in with my parents and uncle was stuck in a massive jam from just after the last toll-booth in Johor Bahru to the Second Link checkpoint! We arrived at the toll-booth at 6pm and we only got passed the Singapore Immigration at 8.30pm! Can you believe that - two and a half hours in a jam?! Man!
Actually it was not the jam that caused the fuse in me to explode; it was the ugly sight of many Singaporean drivers which just irked me!
My car was in the third lane and next to us was the road shoulder. As the jam got worse, that was when cars behind mine started using the road shoulder to jump queue. They were way ahead of us because of that and they were also the cause of the jam as they had to filter back to the third lane when nearing the Singapore Immigration due to the police officers who were present to direct traffic. Cars like mine in the end could not move due to this insensitive act.
I have to confess that massive jam like the one I was in can cause the dark side of an individual to manifest inself. Mine did - from being frustrated, I got angry and then it led on to judging and swearing at those ugly drivers!
It came to a point where I sensed a voice in me asking me to just quieten down and spend some moment in silence rather than to keep making unedifying comments.
I did that and there was one lesson I learnt. This phrase kept flashing in my mind - "Be Objective and Not Reactive!"
It kind of made sense to me when I pondered on these words.
I guess if I had not reacted to the situation when I witnessed what some of the above drivers did, I could have prevented anger to take the better of me. Instead of cursing and swearing and also judging, I could have been objective about the matter and prayed for these individuals.
If I had been objective when I was caught in the jam, I could have used the two and a half hours to bond with my parents and uncle instead of reacting to the similar judgmental comments they were making of those who flouted the law.
My blood pressure would have been stable if I had been walking in the Spirit because one who is in step with God will not react the way I did but would be still and know that God is still God and spend the time worshipping Him, rather than making ungodly remarks.
That was a rebuke to me! This encounter reminded me of a blog I wrote not too long ago where I said something about having to get myself back on track with God again. I guess I need to do that now!
Anyway, the wedding event went well. I took some shots with my new camera. Well, I am still learning by the day about wedding photography. This is one area I am most interested in and I hope the Lord will teach me more of the techniques and approach and improve as I go along.
I told a dear brother this afternoon that I would not go to Segamat again because the town is so dead and the ride long. If I had to go again, it would be to eat the kolo mee that people are raving about and of course, the Segamat durians! Both I did not get to eat as the shops were closed due to the Lunar New Year holidays.
I returned my sister's two rabbits just now. I will miss one of them more than the other. The younger one gave me a hard time by always toppling the pee-tray daily and soiling the whole cage. If she had stayed any longer at my place, I think Princess (the name of the younger rabbit) will be in my cooking pot served as stew. Haha.
My doggy and I will miss Prince (the name of the bigger rabbit) as he is just so adorable, friendly and considerate!
Haha. Okie dokes, time to go.
Good night, all!
"In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold." Ephesians 4:26-27
I was also fuming mad when the car I was in with my parents and uncle was stuck in a massive jam from just after the last toll-booth in Johor Bahru to the Second Link checkpoint! We arrived at the toll-booth at 6pm and we only got passed the Singapore Immigration at 8.30pm! Can you believe that - two and a half hours in a jam?! Man!
Actually it was not the jam that caused the fuse in me to explode; it was the ugly sight of many Singaporean drivers which just irked me!
My car was in the third lane and next to us was the road shoulder. As the jam got worse, that was when cars behind mine started using the road shoulder to jump queue. They were way ahead of us because of that and they were also the cause of the jam as they had to filter back to the third lane when nearing the Singapore Immigration due to the police officers who were present to direct traffic. Cars like mine in the end could not move due to this insensitive act.
I have to confess that massive jam like the one I was in can cause the dark side of an individual to manifest inself. Mine did - from being frustrated, I got angry and then it led on to judging and swearing at those ugly drivers!
It came to a point where I sensed a voice in me asking me to just quieten down and spend some moment in silence rather than to keep making unedifying comments.
I did that and there was one lesson I learnt. This phrase kept flashing in my mind - "Be Objective and Not Reactive!"
It kind of made sense to me when I pondered on these words.
I guess if I had not reacted to the situation when I witnessed what some of the above drivers did, I could have prevented anger to take the better of me. Instead of cursing and swearing and also judging, I could have been objective about the matter and prayed for these individuals.
If I had been objective when I was caught in the jam, I could have used the two and a half hours to bond with my parents and uncle instead of reacting to the similar judgmental comments they were making of those who flouted the law.
My blood pressure would have been stable if I had been walking in the Spirit because one who is in step with God will not react the way I did but would be still and know that God is still God and spend the time worshipping Him, rather than making ungodly remarks.
That was a rebuke to me! This encounter reminded me of a blog I wrote not too long ago where I said something about having to get myself back on track with God again. I guess I need to do that now!
Anyway, the wedding event went well. I took some shots with my new camera. Well, I am still learning by the day about wedding photography. This is one area I am most interested in and I hope the Lord will teach me more of the techniques and approach and improve as I go along.
I told a dear brother this afternoon that I would not go to Segamat again because the town is so dead and the ride long. If I had to go again, it would be to eat the kolo mee that people are raving about and of course, the Segamat durians! Both I did not get to eat as the shops were closed due to the Lunar New Year holidays.
I returned my sister's two rabbits just now. I will miss one of them more than the other. The younger one gave me a hard time by always toppling the pee-tray daily and soiling the whole cage. If she had stayed any longer at my place, I think Princess (the name of the younger rabbit) will be in my cooking pot served as stew. Haha.
My doggy and I will miss Prince (the name of the bigger rabbit) as he is just so adorable, friendly and considerate!
Haha. Okie dokes, time to go.
Good night, all!
"In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold." Ephesians 4:26-27