Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Responding To The Call

I had wanted to blog yesterday but after arriving from Cambodia, I started sniffing and coughing. When evening arrived, I also had a slight fever. I basically slept early and am better now though still a little lethargic.

I had to get some work done - endured through the constant blowing of my nose. I have been drinking lots of water, taking flu tablets and also lozenges as I could feel the sore throat coming.

It is amazing how God sustained me through the three days in Cambodia. On Friday night, I was also unwell - my left arm was numb and I was a bit worried that it could be a stroke. I asked my sister whether my speech was slurred and my left face muscles drooping but she said they were okay. Phew! Praise God!

I was a bit anxious as I have never felt this numbness before. I messaged my accountability group members and some close friends to intercede for me. On Sunday I felt the flu coming as I was sneezing constantly but it was gone by noon.

Anyway, that aside. I enjoyed the time spent in Phnom Penh especially the fellowship I had with the missionaries sent by my church. They have been my friends since our youth and still maintaining communications after so long and being so far away is very much cherished!

My Missions Committee members and I also had a fruitful time of discussion with the District Superintendant overseeing the sister-church we are supporting. I am glad things are beginning to be in place regarding the future of this Khmer-church which I have been burdened for since I became the chairperson of the Missions Committee.

I also praise God for the time spent with my Khmer siblings-in-Christ when my team worshipped at their church. Though we only meet once or twice a year, the bond has already been established and we could just carry on from where we left off and encouraging one another in the faith as we interacted.

I am especially blest to hear from one of the missionaries that my sister-church is experiencing a revival. It is my prayer that the Holy Spirit will sweep through the church and cause the members to grow in leaps and bounds in their walk and also in reaching out to their neighbours

I was especially touched when an invitation was made to one of my Committee members and I by a leader of the sister-church to attend his daughter's wedding. Initially we were unsure whether we could make it but in the end I felt that it is important and essential to be there to show this dear brother-in-Christ that we care and cherish this relationship with him. He was so happy to see us when we arrived at the ceremony that he embraced us!

Attending the Khmer wedding ceremony and banquet was an eye-opener for me as I have never witnessed one. I have seen it on YouTube but that was it. Though very long and elaborate, I enjoyed the time.

Oh yah, after the service on Sunday, we went to one of the members' home to pray for his mother-in-law who is very sick and now bedridden. We prayed together with her though we did not know whether she has embraced Jesus as her Lord and Saviour. Though she could not speak, she gestured in a manner where we could tell she was thankful for our visit. I hope God will have mercy on this dear individual.

During this trip, I made two new friends - one from Hong Kong and the other from Singapore. I met this the new-found friend from Hong Kong when my team were having lunch at a hawker centre in Russian market. She has been travelling alone - going to Malaysia and then Cambodia and now back in Malaysia before heading for India. Anyway, we interacted with her as we ate. I was happy when she said that she is a fellow sister-in-Christ. One of my Committee members persuaded this sister to visit Singapore and we could be her host. She said she would consider.

The other friend I got to know is from another Methodist Church in Singapore. She is also in the Missions Committee of her church. She is still in Cambodia on a work-trip. Being able to fellowship with individuals like her assured me that there are Christians still responding to the call of Jesus in living out the Great Commission. It is my prayer that every Christian will see that he/she is a part of this call and not just some.

Well, I have been to Cambodia more than 20 times since Year 2000 and never once am I tired of this country which God has called my church to. In fact, this trip has stirred in my heart whether I should serve God and the Khmer-people for a period of time. I am still seeking and hopefully God will show me further this prompting.

Time to stop here and for me to sleep early to continue the process of recuperation.

All glory to God for a wonderful and fruitful trip!

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27

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