Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Every Year Will Always Be A Good Year!

It is the last day of the old year; eve of the new year. I just read that this year has a leap second - an extra second added to 2008 to complete the cycle of the earth's rotational pattern. Glad I can enjoy this year a little longer. Haha. Just imagine at the countdown we have to say "3, 2, 1, 1... Happy New Year!!!" This is a first for me. :)

This year seems to fly by so fast that I am still lagging behind, wondering what have I actually done in the past 364 days.

First and foremost, all thanks and praise to God for bringing me thus far; for His grace and mercy; and for His sustenance.

I guess there are regrets of the "could haves" and "should haves" but they should not put me down since life is always a learning process. Every step taken in life, though sometimes may put us a few steps back, is still a progress when one does not give up. We always learn from our mistakes.

I am still learning and I am praying that God will continue to be my Teacher so that I can learn from the Best and live my life for His glory and be a blessing to those around me.

I have not really taken time off to reflect and evaluate the year 2008 but there have been some areas which I want to thank God for:-

1) For my family as in how God has sustained mum who is diabetic and how He is controlling her sugar level which went quite high two months ago; for helping grandma cope with old age (I guess she is going through "second childhood") and for allowing her to let go of some unpleasant events which she has experienced in the past; for helping my brother's business to expand even though the economy is not doing well and for allowing me to work quite closely with him in some areas of his work; for dad who is trying to play a bigger role in the family and to see that he can still be a contributing factor to the needs of every one at home. For a while I guess he has been feeling a little insecure now that he is retired and sometimes feels that he is not doing much to meet the needs of his loved ones.

2) For my work where God is opening new options for me but I have decided to put them aside for a moment to care for my family. I am still seeking Him as to the next step I should take in the new year. I am not burdened but excited to see where He will lead me.

3) For the missions ministry in church which I am serving in where I can see God moving powerfully in the lives of the members. I give thanks to Him that more and more individuals and small groups are interested to play a pro-active role in the Great Commission. This is a good sign that the church is moving on in the right way where she should not be too inward looking but more to meet the spiritual and physical needs of her neighbours in this island-nation and across the world!

4) For the relationships with my family and friends from and outside church. Being a human, I have failed some of them and I seek their forgiveness for my shortcomings. Sometimes I want to build closer ties and help those in need but my human ability can only last me that much and in the process, I have disappointed a few of my friends, some of whom I was closed with.

I am also learning to forgive some who have disappointed me. Every time when I struggle with that, I would just look at myself in the mirror and be reminded that we are all the same. Grace which God has shown to me must now be shown to my neighbours. If not, I have not experienced grace at all. It is tough, no doubt about that, but I have to put pride aside and do what is right in the eyes of my God.

Well, prayerfully in the new year, I will be a better friend to another.

Of course when I speak of relationships, another area which I have always been pressured to look into (by my parents, grandma, aunties, uncles and also friends) is that of a life-time partner. There is no doubt whatsoever that I want to settle down one day but as always I will not let pressure cause me to choose someone just out of no where.

There are one or two sisters-in-Christ in mind but I will continue to let God move me accordingly. If He so approves of one of these persons, He will make it happen. :)

Well, I guess that is all for now.

Resolutions I have for 2009 but I shall leave that to another day when I have given careful thoughts to them.

Here's giving all thanks, praise and glory to God for 2008 and here's also looking forward to another brand new year of adventure in my pilgrim's journey. I pulled through 2008 and the past 36 years of my life!

Whether there are more to come, I shall leave that in the hands of God and not take for granted that I still have many years to enjoy or toil (if some might see life that way). :)

Here's wishing everyone a Happy New Year! :)

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

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