Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bye, 2009. Hello, 2010!

It is the eve of the new year. I am now in church, waiting for a youth programme, "Surrender," to begin. It is a time for the youths to come together and evaluate on the year 2009 and for them to surrender their plans for the next year to God.

Time flies that we are now going into the first decade of the millennium which seems to zoom by so quickly.

2009 has been a year of turmoil (not necessarily bad if I may just add) for me - considering what is the next step God wants me to take and to actually obey Him regardless of whether I like the directions He is showing me, which usually are those that stir the comfort zone I have been in.

It has been 11 years since I entered the teaching profession - I have to say they have been wonderful moments especially in the many lives I have encountered each year. As much as I enjoyed being a teacher, there is still a void in me which has been causing me to consider the calling I have received from God many years back (when I was in the Methodist Youth Fellowship) to go into the full-time ministry.

I shelved this idea as I have been advised by my mentors to consider teaching in an academic institution as a mission field. No doubt it has been but after all these years, I felt it is time for me to consider the next step. There is no confirmation as yet but I shall make concrete plans to see how and where God is leading me. The year 2010 will be that period for me to search.

2009 has been a trying year too as I have to handle a lot of issues at home especially mum's health. All thanks and praise to God that she has recovered and is now up and running though I have to caution her once in a while to go easy. I had to also deal with grandma and dad who were very affected but God is always good to see them through their anxieties.

The last few months of this year have not been good for my walk with the Lord as I suddenly felt this sense of tiredness - not to the point of burning out but more so feeling very drained wondering what God wants me to do with my life. A lot of things I have to handle in the Missions Ministry also took up a lot of my energy but praise God the Missions Committee members were there to share the load.

The above-mentioned sometimes led to frustrations and it is obvious especially to those who are closer to me.

Anyway, I am looking forward to the year ahead. Whatever the Lord wants me to go through, I shall do so. I also need to start to get back on track again so that I can listen to God more clearly as I pray; as I read His Word; and as I be still and let Him speak.

I shall end here for now. :)

Have a blessed and adventurous 2010, everyone!!! :)

“This is what the LORD says— he who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters, "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:16, 18-19

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