Saturday, May 03, 2014

God's Timing Is Always Perfect!

Just got home. While waiting for the laundry to be done, I thought I take the time to blog some thoughts which came as a revelation to me.

Yesterday morning I decided to spend some time at Botanic Gardens before seeing a specialist at Gleaneagles Hospital as my chest has been feeling weird lately. It is not the left side but the right. Last week I was supposed to see the doctor but while waiting, mum called to say that she was feeling weak. I had to cancel the medical appointment so that I could rush home to ensure that mum was ok. Thank God nothing serious happened to her.

The funny thing about reading God's Word at the Botanic Gardens was this - I simply could not grasp what it was trying to get at and I told God to reveal more to me as I went through the day.

Well, nothing went right throughout the whole of yesterday, at least that was what I initially concluded but now as I look back, God had a hand in everything.

I was advised by the doctor to go easy in the midst of all the stress I am facing at home and certain struggles I have been going through regarding my burdens for the people around me. I was prescribed some medications and there will be a review in two weeks' time.

As usual, I was questioning God why one thing after another seems to be happening in my life and of course these things are not pleasant ones. It affected my mood and in turn it affected the way I treat my family and friends whom I have been in contact with.

Then came evening when more of the plans made totally went haywire and initially I was quite affected and reacted quite negatively.

It was here I learnt something as I decided to just be still - if I am not perfect, I should not expect others to be one. And if we are all imperfect, why should we be disappointed with one another and hence hold a grudge against one another? Instead we should bear and help each other... that is how then we will all overcome the shortcomings in our lives.

I also thank God for the medications which were prescribed to me yesterday morning. I had to take one when my chest was a little uncomfortable and that helped.

Well, the verses I read were these - "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28)

"He has made everything beautiful in its time." (Ecclessiastes 3:11)

Now I am able to see how God took care of everything in the midst of all the chaos. I am experiencing His peace in my heart now. Finally! I am also able to now give thanks in all circumstances, as stated in 1 Thessalonians 5:18.

I guess that is all I want to share. It has been a long day but thanks be to God for it... looking forward to sleep after I hang up the laundry. :)

God is good and His love endures forever. :)

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